Editorial policy and ethical guideline

Editorial policy

The Journal of Critical Care Medicine (JCCM) addresses the entire community of specialists involved in treating critically ill patients. The Journal accepts high-quality medical research articles, but also accepts manuscripts relating to the basic sciences, review articles, systemic reviews and meta-analysis, case reports, and observational studies of all types, including randomized control trials, editorial commentary, and opinions covering the entire spectrum of research in critical care medicine. The journal is peer-reviewed and is published 4 times a year in both paper and electronic versions. The language of the journal is English. All submitted manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter, stating that the article is original, is not under consideration or has not been previously published elsewhere. Authors document that their research was approved by the appropriate institutional review committee for the protection of human or animal subjects, and that all human subjects or their representatives gave informed consent. All submissions are subject to peer review, and to language- and copy-editing after acceptance. At least two independent scientists act as referees of one manuscript. Reviewers evaluate manuscripts critically but constructively to prepare detailed comments about the research and the manuscript to help authors improve their work. The identities of the reviewers will not be released to authors. Reviewers are asked to make one of four recommendations: accept, accept after minor revision, accept after major revision, reject. The decision to ask for revisions is made in light of the reviewers’ comments and recommendations, and after evaluation by the editor. The editor may reject manuscripts without outside review, for example if the subject matter is outside the scope of the journal, a manuscript on the same topic is just about to be published, the quality of the manuscript is poor, or criteria for the submission of manuscripts are not met.

Copyright policy and Open Access Statement

This journal provides immediate open access to its content under the Creative Commons BY 4.0 license. Authors who publish with this journal retain all copyrights and agree to the terms of CC BY 4.0 license. The journal allows a free unlimited access to all its contents without any restrictions upon publication to all users.

Plagiarism Policy and Scientific misconduct

The editorial board is participating in a growing community of Similarity Check System’s users in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy. Similarity Check is a medium that allows for comprehensive manuscripts screening, aimed to eliminate plagiarism and AI generation tools, and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.

Scientific misconduct includes data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, redundant publication, ghost authorship or other fraudulent research practices. In order to prevent plagiarism issues, all manuscripts sent to the journal will be screened using anti-plagiarism soft-ware. Where there is a suspicion of scientific misconduct, the editors will act in conformity with the principles stated in the COPE guidelines and if the fraudulent practice is confirmed the manuscript will be rejected outright and without the editor entering into any further correspondence. If the Editorial Board uncovers possible evidence of such problems, it will first contact the corresponding author in complete confidence, to allow adequate clarification of the situation. If the results of such interactions are not satisfactory, the Board will contact the appropriate official(s) in the institution(s) from which the manuscript originated. It is then left to the institution(s) in question to pursue the matter appropriately. Depending on the circumstances, JCCM may also opt to publish errata, corrections, or retractions. Serious errors in a published manuscript and infringements of professional ethical codes will result in an article being retracted. All coauthors will be informed about a retraction. A Retraction Note detailing the reason for retraction will be linked to the original article.

Preprint and Postprint Policies

Authors can post versions of their manuscript (before or after peer review) on personal websites or repositories.

Conflicts of interest

Any existing or potential conflict of interest about a manuscript should be disclosed by all participants in the peer-review and publication process (authors, peer reviewers, editors, editorial board members). Authors should disclose any potential conflict of interest at the time of manuscript submission. The statement regarding the disclosure of conflicts of interest should be included in the manuscript and mentioned in the cover letter accompanying the manuscript.

Authors should disclose any potential conflict of interest at the time of manuscript submission. The statement regarding the disclosure of conflicts of interest should be included in the manuscript and mentioned in the cover letter accompanying the manuscript. Prior to the allocation of manuscripts for review, the Managing Editors check for the existence of any potential conflict of interest. The reviewers will be asked to confirm that there is no conflict of interest about the review process of the manuscript. Reviewers should recuse themselves from reviewing any manuscript in relation to which their opinion could be biased. Furthermore, reviewers must not use knowledge of the work they are reviewing before its publication to their own interest.

Prior to the allocation of manuscripts for review, the Managing Editors check for the existence of any potential conflict of interest. The reviewers will be asked to confirm that there is no conflict of interest about the review process of the manuscript. Reviewers should recuse themselves from reviewing any manuscript in relation to which their opinion could be biased. Furthermore, reviewers must not use knowledge of the work they are reviewing before its publication to their own interest. Editors should recuse themselves from editorial and publication decisions in relation to manuscripts to which they have any conflict of interest.

Editors should recuse themselves from editorial and publication decisions in relation to manuscripts to which they have any conflict of interest. In cases where the Managing Editor has any conflict of interest in connection with a manuscript, the entire work related to the review process of that manuscript will be undertaken by the Editor in Chief. In cases where the Editor in Chief has any conflict of interest in relation to a manuscript, the entire work related to the review process of that manuscript will be undertaken by the Managing Editor.

In cases where the Managing Editor has any conflict of interest in connection with a manuscript, the entire work related to the review process of that manuscript will be undertaken by the Editor in Chief. In cases where the Editor in Chief has any conflict of interest in relation to a manuscript, the entire work related to the review process of that manuscript will be undertaken by the Managing Editor. In cases where both the Managing Editor and the Editor in Chief have any conflict of interest in relation to a manuscript, the entire work related to the review process of that manuscript will be undertaken by another member of the editorial board.

In cases where both the Managing Editor and the Editor in Chief have any conflict of interest in relation to a manuscript, the entire work related to the review process of that manuscript will be undertaken by another member of the editorial board. Submissions from members of the editorial board, editors and employees of the journal will be handled by the Editor in Chief, who will allocate the manuscripts for review to independent and blinded reviewers.

Submissions from members of the editorial board, editors and employees of the journal will be handled by the Editor in Chief, who will allocate the manuscripts for review to independent and blinded reviewers. Submissions from members of the owner institution will be assigned for review to members of the editorial board or external reviewers, taking into consideration the necessity to avoid any potential conflict of interest in the process of reviewer allocation.

Submissions from members of the owner institution will be assigned for review to members of the editorial board or external reviewers, taking into consideration the necessity to avoid any potential conflict of interest in the process of reviewer allocation. Editorial manuscripts sent by members of the editorial board, following an invitation by the Editor in Chief, will undergo a review process in the editorial office.

Editorial manuscripts sent by members of the editorial board, following an invitation by the Editor in Chief, will undergo a review process in the editorial office.


Editors of JCCM will not share information regarding the manuscripts submitted to JCCM to any other than the authors and the reviewers.

Editors of JCCM will not share information regarding the manuscripts submitted to JCCM to any other than the authors and the reviewers. At the time of reviewer allocation, reviewers will be instructed to keep the manuscripts and associated material strictly confidential. Reviewers should not publicly discuss author`s work and must not retain any manuscript for their personal use.

At the time of reviewer allocation, reviewers will be instructed to keep the manuscripts and associated material strictly confidential. Reviewers should not publicly discuss author`s work and must not retain any manuscript for their personal use.

In case of manuscript rejection, the full content of the manuscript will be deleted from the editorial content of the Journal.

In case of manuscript acceptance and publication, the Journal will keep copied of all the manuscript-related materials for at least three years.

The identity of the reviewers will not be revealed to authors, under no circumstances.

Last update: March 8