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Insights into sepsis-induced apoptosis: Interplay between programmed cell death and interleukin-7

Anca Meda Văsiesiu, Oana Coman, Raluca Stefania Fodor, Anca Bacârea, Bianca‐Liana Grigorescu

Management strategies and outcomes predictors of interstitial lung disease exacerbation admitted to an intensive care setting: A narrative review

Ans Alamami

Original Research

The Use of Biomarkers Testing in Emergency Department

Sonia Luka1,2, Adela Golea2,3, Raluca Mihaela Tat1, Eugenia Maria Lupan Mureșan2,3, George Teo Voicescu2,3,4, Ștefan Cristian Vesa5, Maria Adriana Albu6, Daniela Ionescu7

Poor clinical outcomes among hospitalized obese patients with COVID-19 are related to inflammation and not respiratory mechanics

Jordan N Edwards, Tomas Ganz, Elizabeta Nemeth, Emily J Martin, Nicholas J Jackson, Airie Kim

Case Report

The use of intraventricular vancomycin in subacute brain abscess in an adolescent male: A case report

Tomas Leng1, Ibrahim Serhat Karakus2