Sugammadex, a synthetic cyclodextrin sodium salt, was heralded and initially marketed as the first selective relaxant binding agent (SRBA) designed to reverse rocuronium [1]. This chemically modified cyclodextrin basically swallowed rocuronium removing it from the effector site, which was a “paradigm shift” from the then current methodology [2]. Following the launch of rocuronium and the rapidly spreading practice of intubation on rocuronium in rapid sequence instead of succinylcholine, a need to reverse muscle relaxation in case of intubation failure emerged. Moreover, the well-known undesirables side effects of cholinesterase inhibitors needing blunting by coadministration of muscarinic antagonists enlarged the odds of experiencing unwanted extra drug effects [3]. Further studies supported the use of sugammadex to reverse a life-threatening situation defined as “cannot intubate, cannot ventilate” [4]. It was a genuine revolutionary approach [5].Thus sugammadex appeared as a rescue drug. It was then used as the best, the most rapid and the safest if not the single solution to reverse curarization, although controversies as to the standard ofrapid sequence induction and intubation[6] are going on [7]. The odds were favorable and still are if it were not for certain voices to say “nay” to sugammadex as a routine drug based mainly on cost related issues. [More]
Fading Sugammadex, or Just Cautiously (re) Considered?!
DOI: 10.1515/jccm-2015-0012
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