Introduction: Lower respiratory tract secretions (LRTS) like sputum and tracheal aspirates are frequently sent to the microbiology laboratory from patients with various respiratory pathologies. Improper collection techniques can lead to false-positive results, resulting in improper therapy.
Aim of the study: To determine the percentage of contaminated samples sent to the microbiology laboratory, to establish the prevalence of Candida spp. in non-contaminated samples and therefore, the presence of Candida spp. originating in lower respiratory tract infections.
Material and Methods: A 10-year data survey was conducted to assess the differences in Candida prevalence from contaminated versus non-contaminated samples, assessed and categorised by Bartlett grading system, and to emphasise the importance of quality control for potentially contaminated samples. The data were analysed according to gender, age, referring departments, and the species of Candida. For the statistical analysis, Kruskal-Wallis and Fisher tests were used, and the alpha value was set for 0.5.
Results: The prevalence of Candida spp. in all analysed samples was 31.60%. After excluding the contaminated samples, the actual prevalence was 27.66%. Of all sputum samples, 31.6% were contaminated. Patients aged more than 40 years old were more prone to provide contaminated sputum samples. C. albicans is more prevalent in non-contaminated sputum samples. In both sputum and tracheal aspirates, the chances of identifying a single species are higher than the chances of identifying multiple species.
Conclusions: The study emphasises the importance of assessing the quality of sputum samples because of the high number of improperly collected samples sent to the microbiology laboratory.
Tag Archives: Candida
DOI: 10.2478/jccm-2021-0016
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Invasive Candida Infections in the ICU: Diagnosis and Therapy
DOI: 10.1515/jccm-2015-0025
Invasive fungal infections have become a serious problem in the critically ill. One of the main reasons is the development of an immunocompromised condition. The most frequently found pathogens are Candida species. In order to provide adequate treatment, understanding this potentially life-threatening infection is mandatory. The aim of this summary is to view Candida infections from a different perspective and to give an overview on epidemiology, the range of pathophysiology from colonization to the invasive infections, and its impact on mortality. New therapeutic options will also be discussed and how these relate to current guidelines. Finally, the key issue of the choice of antifungal agents will be evaluated.
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