Objective: To investigate if awake prone position (PP) reduces the rate of endotracheal intubation and mortality in patients with COVID-19 admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU).
Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of 726 patients who were admitted to the ICU with acute hypoxic respiratory failure secondary to COVID-19. The protocol of the institution recommended the use of awake PP in patients with nasal catheter with an oxygen flow ≥ 5 L/min and SpO2 ≤ 90% or a high-flow nasal catheter (HFNC) with FiO2 ≥ 50% and SpO2 ≤ 90%. The following data were collected: age, comorbidities, SAPS-3 score, onset of symptoms, the degree of pulmonary involvement, duration of invasive and noninvasive MV, HFNC therapy, nitric oxide therapy, hemodialysis and PP while spontaneously breathing.
Results: There was a higher mortality rate in the supine position group (27.1%) than in the awake PP group (13.9%). There was no significant difference in the time on MV or number of patients on MV (p>0.05). The variables with p < 0.05 in the bivariate analysis were entered into the Cox regression model. The model was adjusted for awake PP, sex, age, SAPS-3 score, onset of symptoms, the degree of pulmonary involvement, chronic arterial disease, and noninvasive ventilation. The only variable associated with lower mortality over time was awake PP (hazard ratio: 0.55; 95% confidence interval: 0.33-0.92).
Conclusion: Awake prone position has been shown to be a safe and effective therapy that reduced mortality but not the risk of intubation in patients with COVID-19.
Tag Archives: COVID-19
Poor clinical outcomes among hospitalized obese patients with COVID-19 are related to inflammation and not respiratory mechanics
Introduction: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has infected millions of people worldwide resulting in high morbidity and mortality. Obesity is known to cause metabolic derangements and precipitate worse outcomes from viral pneumonia, potentially secondary to increased inflammation and/or altered respiratory mechanics.
Aim of the Study: Our study’s aim was to examine the relationships among BMI, systemic inflammation, and respiratory mechanics in determining clinical outcomes.
Materials and Methods: This retrospective, observational cohort study included 199 adult patients with confirmed COVID-19 who were hospitalized at a quaternary-referral academic health system. Data were manually extracted from electronic medical records, including baseline demographics and clinical profiles, inflammatory markers, measures of respiratory mechanics, and clinical outcomes. We used the rank-sum test to compare the distributions of BMI and inflammatory markers between those with and without specific clinical outcomes, and the Pearson correlation to measure the correlations between BMI and inflammatory markers or respiratory mechanics.
Results: Higher BMI was associated with worse clinical outcomes, including the need for Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission, invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), neuromuscular blockade, and prone positioning, particularly in male patients. Inflammation, as measured by C-reactive protein, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), ferritin, and D-Dimer, was also increased in both male and female patients who required ICU admission, IMV, neuromuscular blockade, and prone positioning. However, only male patients had a positive correlation of LDH and D-Dimer levels with BMI. There was no correlation between BMI and respiratory mechanics, as measured by static compliance and the response to prone positioning.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the metabolic dysfunction and systemic inflammation seen in obesity, and not dysfunctional respiratory physiology, drive the negative clinical outcomes seen in this cohort of hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
Risk factors and outcomes of critically ill pregnant COVID-19 patients: Experience from the first and second waves of the pandemic
Introduction: Understanding the association between risk factors and clinical outcomes of COVID-19 can lead to identifying suitable management strategies for reducing the mortality rate among maternal COVID-19 patients in the ICU.
Aim of the Study: This study aims to investigate the clinical outcomes and risk factors associated with pregnant and postpartum women diagnosed with COVID-19 and admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) between May 2020 and September 2021.
Materials and Methods: This retrospective cohort study was conducted at the Universitas Indonesia Hospital. Secondary data was collected from the medical records to include all pregnant and postpartum women diagnosed with confirmed COVID-19 admitted to the hospital during the research period.
Results: The study included 113 patients and found that admission to the ICU, age, and gestational age significantly influenced clinical outcomes, with a mortality rate of 42.11% among ICU-admitted patients. Pre-existing comorbidities such as type-2 diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, and coronary artery disease were associated with ICU admission. Having at least one comorbidity was found to increase the mortality rate by six-fold.
Conclusions: The study emphasizes the importance of monitoring and evaluating maternal and fetal complications during COVID-19 infection, highlighting the need for multidisciplinary management involving intensivists, obstetricians, anesthesiologists, and infectious disease specialists. The findings underscore the significance of baseline health status in treatment planning and the potential for evidence-based interventions to improve maternal outcomes and pregnancy preservation. Further research is warranted to validate these results and enhance understanding of the underlying pathophysiology.
What proteins and albumins in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and serum could tell us in COVID-19 and influenza acute respiratory distress syndrome on mechanical ventilation patient – A prospective double center study
Introduction: The extent of in vivo damage to the alveolar-capillary membrane in patients with primary lung injury remains unclear. In cases of ARDS related to COVID-19 and Influenza type A, the complexity of the damage increases further, as viral pneumonia cannot currently be treated with a causal approach.
Aims of the study: Our primary goal is to enhance the understanding of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) by demonstrating damage to the alveocapillary membrane in critically ill patients with COVID-19 and influenza type A. We will achieve this by measuring the levels of proteins and albumin in bronchoalveolar fluid (BAL) and serum. Our secondary objective is to assess patient outcomes related to elevated protein and albumin levels in both BAL and blood serum, which will deepen our understanding of this complex condition.
Materials and methods: Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and serum samples were meticulously collected from a total of 64 patients, categorized into three distinct groups: 30 patients diagnosed with COVID-19-related acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 14 patients with influenza type A (H1N1 strain), also experiencing ARDS, and a control group consisting of 20 patients who were preoperatively prepared for elective surgical procedures without any diagnosed lung disease. The careful selection and categorization of patients ensure the robustness of our study. BAL samples were taken within the first 24 hours following the commencement of invasive mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit, alongside measurements of serum albumin levels. In the control group, BAL and serum samples were collected after the induction of general endotracheal anaesthesia.
Results: Patients in the COVID-19 group are significantly older than those in the Influenza type A (H1N1) group, with median ages of 72.5 years and 62 years, respectively (p < 0.01, Mann-Whitney U test). Furthermore, serum albumin levels (measured in g/L) revealed significant differences across all three groups in the overall sample, yielding a p-value of less than 0.01 according to ANOVA. In terms of treatment outcomes, serum albumin levels also exhibited a significant correlation, with a p-value of 0.03 (Mann-Whitney U test). A reduction in serum albumin levels (below 35 g/L), combined with elevated protein levels in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), serves as a predictor of poor outcomes in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), as indicated by a p-value of less than 0.01 (ANOVA).
Conclusions: Our findings indicate that protein and albumin levels in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid are elevated in severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) cases. This suggests that BAL can effectively evaluate protein levels and fractions, which could significantly assist in assessing damage to the alveolocapillary membrane. Additionally, the increased albumin levels in BAL, often accompanied by a decrease in serum albumin levels, may serve as a valuable indicator of compromised integrity of the alveolar-capillary membrane in ARDS, with potential implications for patient care.
The effect of pre-existing sarcopenia on outcomes of critically ill patients treated for COVID-19
Background: Sarcopenia, defined by a loss of skeletal muscle mass and function, has been identified as a prevalent condition associated with poor clinical outcome among critically ill patients. This study aims to evaluate the impact of pre-existing sarcopenia on outcomes in critically ill patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF) due to COVID-19.
Material and Methods: A retrospective study was carried out on COVID-19 patients admitted to intensive care. Pre-existing sarcopenia was assessed using early CT scans. Clinical outcomes, including duration of high-flow oxygenation (HFO), mechanical ventilation (MV), length of hospital stay (LOS) and ICU mortality, were evaluated according to sarcopenia status.
Results: Among the studied population, we found a high prevalence (75 patients, 50%) of pre-existing sarcopenia, predominantly in older male patients. Pre-existing sarcopenia significantly impacted HFO duration (6.8 (+/-4.4) vs. 5 (+/-2.9) days; p=0.005) but did not significantly affect MV requirement (21 (28%) vs. 23 (37.3%); p=185), MV duration (7 vs. 10 days; p=0.233), ICU mortality (12 (16%) vs. 10 (13.3 %); p=0.644) or hospital LOS (27 vs. 25 days; p=0.509). No differences in outcomes were observed between sarcopenic and non-sarcopenic obese patients.
Conclusions: Pre-existing sarcopenia in critically ill COVID-19 patients is associated with longer HFO duration but not with other adverse outcomes. Further research is needed to elucidate the mechanisms and broader impact of sarcopenia on septic critically ill patient outcomes.
Clinical Profile and Course of Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome due to Covid-19 in a Middle-Income Region in Mexico
Introduction: COVID-19 leads to severe clinical complications that culminate in respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Despite reports of some comorbidities that contribute to the development of COVID-19-mediated ARDS, there is great variation in mortality rates among critical COVID-19 patients in the world. To date, no studies have described the incidence and comorbidities associated with ARDS due to COVID-19 in the northeastern region of Mexico.
Aim of the study: To describe patients diagnosed with ARDS due to COVID-19 in the northeastern region of Mexico, as well as its variations in comparison with other regions of the country.
Material and Methods: We conducted a prospective and observational study in a tertiary care center in Northeastern Mexico. All patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection and requiring management in the intensive care unit were included. We developed a database that was updated daily with the patients´ demographic information, pre-existing diseases, disease severity, and clinical variables.
Results: The incidence of ARDS secondary to COVID-19 in HRAEV was high in comparison with other reports. Diabetes mellitus was the risk factor most associated with COVID-19-mediated ARDS.
Conclusion: Based on our findings and those previously reported in the literature, there are differences that we discuss between northeastern and central Mexico, and analyze other areas evaluated around the world.
Total Psoas Area and Psoas Density Assessment in COVID-19 Patients Using CT Imaging – Could Muscle Mass Alteration During Intensive Care Hospitalization be Determined?
Background: Since its debut, as reported by the first published studies, COVID-19 has been linked to life-threatening conditions that needed vital assistance and admission to the intensive care unit. Skeletal muscle is a core element in an organism’s health due to its ability to keep energy balance and homeostasis. Many patients with prolonged hospitalization are characterized by a greater probability prone to critical illness myopathy or intensive care unit-acquired weakness.
Objective: The main aim of this study was to assess the skeletal muscle in a COVID-19 cohort of critically ill patients by measuring the psoas area and density.
Material and methods: This is a retrospective study that included critically ill adult patients, COVID-19 positive, mechanically ventilated, with an ICU stay of over 24 hours, and who had 2 CT scans eligible for psoas muscle evaluation. In these patients, correlations between different severity scores and psoas CT scans were sought, along with correlations with the outcome of the patients.
Results: Twenty-two patients met the inclusion criteria. No statistically significant differences were noticed regarding the psoas analysis by two blinded radiologists. Significant correlations were found between LOS in the hospital and in ICU with psoas area and Hounsfield Units for the first CT scan performed. With reference to AUC-ROC and outcome, it is underlined that AUC-ROC is close to 0.5 values, for both the psoas area and HU, indicating that the model had no class separation capacity.
Conclusion: The study suggested that over a short period, the psoas muscle area, and the psoas HU decline, for both the left and the right sight, in adult COVID-19 patients in ICU conditions, yet not statistically significant. Although more than two-thirds of the patients had a negative outcome, it was not possible to demonstrate an association between the SARS-COV2 infection and psoas muscle impairment. These findings highlight the need for further larger investigations.
The Prognostic Utility of Cytokines in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
Introduction: The severity of COVID-19 depends on several factors, but the overproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines remains in center of the interest. The aim of this study was to investigate the predictive utility of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), and interferon gamma (IFN-γ) in patients with COVID-19.
Material and Methods: We prospectively enrolled 181 adult patients with COVID-19 admitted to the 1st Infectious Disease County Hospital Târgu Mureș from December 2020 to September 2021. Serum cytokine levels were measured and correlated with disease severity, need for oxygen therapy, intensive care unit (ICU) transfer, and outcome.Results: We found significantly higher serum levels of IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10 in patients with severe COVID-19 and in those with a fatal outcome. The logistic regression analysis showed a significant predictive value for IL-8 regarding disease severity, and for IL6 and IL-10 regarding ICU transfer and fatal outcome.
Conclusions: Serum levels of IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10 were significantly increased in patients with COVID-19, but their predictive value regarding disease severity and the need for oxygen therapy was poor. We found IL-6 and IL-10 to have a good predictive performance regarding ICU transfer and fatal outcome.
Risk Factors for Weaning Failure in COVID-19 Patients
Background: Data on risk factors associated with mechanical ventilation (MV) weaning failure among SARS-CoV2 ARDS patients is limited. We aimed to determine clinical characteristics associated with weaning outcome in SARS-CoV2 ARDS patients under MV.
Objectives: To determine potential risk factors for weaning outcome in patients with SARS-CoV2 ARDS.
Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted in the ICUs of four Greek hospitals via review of the electronic medical record for the period 2020-2021. All consecutive adult patients were screened and were included if they fulfilled the following criteria: a) age equal or above 18 years, b) need for MV for more than 48 hours and c) diagnosis of ARDS due to SARS-CoV2 pneumonia or primary or secondary ARDS of other aetiologies. Patient demographic and clinical characteristics were recorded for the first 28 days following ICU admission. The primary outcome was weaning success defined as spontaneous ventilation for more than 48 hours.
Results: A hundred and fifty eight patients were included; 96 SARS-CoV2 ARDS patients. SOFA score, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and shock were independently associated with the weaning outcome OR(95% CI), 0.86 (0.73-0.99), 0.27 (0.08-0.89) and 0.30 (0.14-0.61), respectively]. When we analysed data from SARS-CoV2 ARDS patients separately, COPD [0.18 (0.03-0.96)] and shock [0.33(0.12 – 0.86)] were independently associated with the weaning outcome.
Conclusions: The presence of COPD and shock are potential risk factors for adverse weaning outcome in SARS-CoV2 ARDS patients.
Kidney injury in critically ill patients with COVID-19 – From pathophysiological mechanisms to a personalized therapeutic model
Acute kidney injury is a common complication of COVID-19, frequently fuelled by a complex interplay of factors. These include tubular injury and three primary drivers of cardiocirculatory instability: heart-lung interaction abnormalities, myocardial damage, and disturbances in fluid balance. Further complicating this dynamic, renal vulnerability to a “second-hit” injury, like a SARS-CoV-2 infection, is heightened by advanced age, chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes mellitus. Moreover, the influence of chronic treatment protocols, which may constrain the compensatory intrarenal hemodynamic mechanisms, warrants equal consideration. COVID-19-associated acute kidney injury not only escalates mortality rates but also significantly affects long-term kidney function recovery, particularly in severe instances. Thus, the imperative lies in developing and applying therapeutic strategies capable of warding off acute kidney injury and decelerating the transition into chronic kidney disease after an acute event. This narrative review aims to proffer a flexible diagnostic and therapeutic strategy that recognizes the multifaceted nature of COVID-19-associated acute kidney injury in critically ill patients and underlines the crucial role of a tailored, overarching hemodynamic and respiratory framework in managing this complex clinical condition.